
The Color Box in the Second Site toolbar helps you determine what color you want to use for a particular stylesheet property. It also validates color names, should you choose to use them.

left-hand side of screenshot showing colorboxright-hand side of screenshot showing colorbox

When you click on a stylesheet color property, Second Site sets the color of the Color Box to the color indicated by the value of the property and sets the text to the hexadecimal code for the color, for example, "#FFFFFF" for "white". If Second Site does not recognize the color, the Color Box will be black, and the text will be "Invalid".

Second Site recognizes the color names in the table below. When you key one of the names into a stylesheet color property, Second Site will display the color in the toolbar color box along with the color code shown in the table. These color names and values are not standard in either the HTML 4.01 specification or the CSS1 specification, but Second Site will convert the color name to the value shown in the table when it creates the stylesheets for the site.

When the Color Box is visible, you may use the Color Picker to edit the property. Choose Edit > Open Editor... or press [F7] to open the Color Picker.

For help choosing colors for your site, you may be interested in the Color Scheme Designer by Petr Stanicek.

Second Site Color Names

#66CDAAmedium aquamarine
#FFEBCDblanched almond
#F0F8FFalice blue
#5F9EA0cadet blue
#6495EDcornflower blue
#00008Bdark blue
#1E90FFdodger blue
#ADD8E6light blue
#0000CDmedium blue
#191970midnight blue
#B0E0E6powder blue
#4169E1royal blue
#87CEEBsky blue
#87CEFAlight skyblue
#00BFFFdeep sky blue
#6A5ACDslate blue
#483D8Bdark slate blue
#7B68EEmedium slate blue
#4682B4steel blue
#B0C4DElight steel blue
#8A2BE2blue violet
#BC8F8Frosy brown
#8B4513saddle brown
#F4A460sandy brown
#F08080light coral
#008B8Bdark cyan
#E0FFFFlight cyan
#B8860Bdark goldenrod
#EEE8AApale goldenrod
#FAFAD2light goldenrod yellow
#A9A9A9dark gray
#696969dim gray
#D3D3D3light gray
#708090slate gray
#2F4F4Fdark slate gray
#778899light slate gray
#006400dark green
#228B22forest green
#7CFC00lawn green
#90EE90light green
#32CD32lime green
#556B2Fdark olive green
#98FB98pale green
#2E8B57sea green
#8FBC8Fdark sea green
#20B2AAlight sea green
#3CB371medium sea green
#00FF7Fspring green
#00FA9Amedium spring green
#ADFF2Fgreen yellow
#CD5C5Cindian red
#BDB76Bdark khaki
#FFF0F5lavender blush
#FFFACDlemon chiffon
#8B008Bdark magenta
#F5FFFAmint cream
#FFE4E1misty rose
#FDF5E6old lace
#6B8E23olive drab
#FF8C00dark orange
#FF4500orange red
#9932CCdark orchid
#BA55D3medium orchid
#FFEFD5papaya whip
#FF1493deep pink
#FF69B4hot pink
#FFB6C1light pink
#9370DBmedium purple
#8B0000dark red
#E9967Adark salmon
#FFA07Alight salmon
#00CED1dark turquoise
#48D1CCmedium turquoise
#AFEEEEpale turquoise
#9400D3dark violet
#C71585medium violet red
#DB7093pale violet red
#FAEBD7antique white
#FFFAF0floral white
#F8F8FFghost white
#FFDEADnavajo white
#F5F5F5white smoke
#FFFFE0light yellow
#9ACD32yellow green
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