[From the Berwick Register]
December 16, 1909
Golden Wedding at Grafton.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hird, of Hillside Farm, North Grafton, were at home to about fifty of their friends on Monday evening last. The occasion was the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage, which took place in the Presbyterian Church at Monifeith, Forfarshire, Scotland, on Tuesday, December 13, 1859, the ceremony being performed by the late Rev. Dr. Yonge. The bride and groom of fifty years ago received their guests seated in a cosy corner of their parlor, which room had been beautifully decorated, as were the other rooms, with gracefully draped festoonings of green and yellow. Mrs. Hird whose fine appearance was remarked upon by all present wore an elegant gown of black satin, with trimmings of Irish point lace and gold. Mr. Hird wore the conventional black suit, the vest worn on this occasion was the same that he wore fifty years ago. Both bride and groom, who are natives of Scotland, wore sprigs of Scottish heather, which they had received on Monday from a friend in their old home. After congratulations had been extended, the divine blessing was asked by Rev. Thomas McFall, pastor of the Covenanter Church, of which Mr. Hird is a much respected elder. Delicious refreshments were served by the five daughters assisted by the four sons present. The daughters were all daintily attired in dresses of white with trimmings of gold. Some of the dishes used at this time, were wedding presents of 1859. They were much admired by the guests. After the refreshments had been disposed of some time was spent in admiring the valuable and appropriate gifts of gold, silver and glass ware received by Mr., and Mrs. Hird from the guests present and from relatives in Boston, new York, Scotland, and England. Conspicuous among the gifts were five ten dollar gold pieces, the gift of the three sons, James, William and Colin, who reside in Massachusetts. Gold coins were also received from the other sons. The gift of the daughters to their parents was an elegant golden clock. Mr. Hird also received from these daughters an elegant fur-collared over coat.
Congratulations were received on Monday by letter from relatives in England and Scotland.
All the family were present with the exception of one son, George, who is in Maine. He was represented by his wife and two charming little daughters, Marion and Velma. The family consists of five daughters, and five sons: Elizabeth and Mary who, reside in Mattapan, Mass; Agnes, Jessie and Caroline, at home. The sons are James, William, George and Colin, residing in Massachusetts, and Albert who is a farmer residing at Garland, Kings County, N. S.
Social chat and music were enjoyed by the guests during the evening. The singing of olden melodies was greatly enjoyed by all. The youngest daughter, Caroline, presided at the organ, while Mr. Percy DeV. Kinsman delighted the guests with his violin music.
At a late hour, after expressing many good wishes for the future health and happiness of Mr. and Mrs. Hird, and that they may be spared to see many more happy returns of their wedding day, the company dispersed to their homes.